
My appointments

Gabriel Arosemena

Gabriel Arosemena

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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Anti incontinence surgery with SLING placement
Bartholin gland abscess drainage
Bartholin's gland extirpation
Bone densitometry
Breast biopsy
Breast exam
Breast node surgery
BURCH procedure
Cervical cerclage
Cervical pathology
Cervical, vaginal or vulvar polyp removal
Cervix biopsy
Cervix thermocoagulation
Cesarean postpartum hysterectomy
Childbirth preparation
Colposcopy and biopsy
Condyloma cauterization with acid
Copper T placement (Device included)
Corrective vaginal surgery
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Early amniocentesis (younger than 20 weeks)
Electrocautery for genital warts
Electrocoagulation (EC)
Endo metrectomy
Endometrial biopsy
Exploratory laparsocopy
Fallopian tube prosthetic implant
Fetal monitoring
First consultation
Four dimensional (4D) ultrasound
Gynecologic control
Gynecological ultrasound
HPV vaccine
Human papillomavirus (HPV) exam
Hysteroscopic foreign object removal
Implanon Application
Inner labia or labia resection surgery
Intrauterine Device Placement
IUD removal procedure
Labia Surgery
Labiaplasty with genital design
Labor control and care
Laminaria placement
Laparoscopic adhesion release
Laparoscopic ectopic gestation
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic tube ligation surgery
Laparotomic tube ligation surgery
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
Multiple birth
Multiple C-section (more than one baby)
Natural birth attention
Obstetric Ultrasound
Online Medicine
Ovarian cystectomy
Pap monolayer
Pap smear
Pelvic endometriosis laparoscopy
Pelvic exam
Pelvic floor electrical stimulator
Pelvic inflammatory disease laparoscopic treatment
Pessary placement
Post surgery follow-up
Postcoital test (PCT)
Posterior Colpoperineorrafia
Postpartum salpingectomy
Pregnancy Complications
Prenatal care
Previous colpoperineorrafia
Salpingectomy transcesarean
Single C-section (one baby)
Three dimensional (4D) ultrasound
Tranvaginal echography
Tratamiento láser para verrugas genitales
Tubal reconstruction
Urinary incontinence rehabilitation
Uterine conserving surgery
Uterine neck cerclage removal
Uterine prolapse surgery
Vaginal atresia or aplasia surgical correction
Vaginal exam
Vaginal foreign growth removal
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal, juxta, or paracervical cyst removal
Vulva benign tumor removal
Vulva biopsy
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39 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

My studies

Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Universidad de Panamá. 1999
Surgeon. Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. 1990
Doctor in medicine. Universidad de Panamá. August 1985 - June 1987

My courses

World Congress of Gynecological-Obstetric Ultrasound. Chicago, Illinois, USA October 2008
Taller de Reanimación Neonatal June 1997
Medical Update Seminar Nicolás Solano Hospital June 1995
Seminar on Traumatology August 1992
II Congress Advances in Surgery August 1992
International Medical Week June 1992
VII Scientific Medical Conference of Hospital Nicolás Solano March 1992
First National Congress of Infectology September 1991
Course of Nosocomial Infections July 1991
Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Course for Adults May 1991
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Bladder problems
Fibroma (benign connective tissue tumor)
Myoma (benign muscle tumor)
Abnormal fetal position
Abnormal Pap smear
Baby chromosomal (DNA) problems
Birth control pills
Breast cancer
Breast pain
Burning during urinating
Burning sexual intercourse
Cervical cancer
Cervical dysplasia
Congenital problems of the baby
Ectopic pregnancy (eccysis)
Endometrial cancer
Endometrial hyperdysplasia
Fallen bladder (cystocele)
Fallopian tube cancer
Fetal abnormality
Fetal malformation
Genital warts
Gestational diabetes
High-risk pregnancy
Hormonal disorder
Hot flash
Hot flashes Menopause
Human papillomavirus
Intrauterine growth restriction
Mammary duct ectasia
Missed menstrual period
Nipple leakage
Ovarian abscess
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cyst
Ovarian mass growth
Pain during sex
Pelvic and perineal pain
Pelvic floor weakness
Periductal inflammation
Perinuem cancer
Period pain
Placenta previa
Polycystic ovary
Pregnancy complications/problems
Pregnant woman seizures (eclampsia)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Prolapse of uterus
Rectal prolapse
Recurrent miscarriage
Small bowel prolapse surgery
Supernumerary Breast
Uncontrolled menstruation
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Uterine bleeding
Uterine prolapse
Uterus cancer
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal burning
Vaginal cancer
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal itching
Vaginal thrush
Vomiting during pregnancy
Vulvar cancer
Yeast infection
Zuska disease
Show more conditions

Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

In charge of the National Subdirectorate of Innovation and Development: Specialist Physician and Administrator. April 2014
National Coordinator of Surgical Medical Equipment and Supplies. 2013-2017
Commissioner representative of the Social Security Fund before the Vision 20-20 Committee. May 2010
Commissioner representing the Social Security Fund before the National Cancer Commission. January 2010
National Coordinator of Surgery - Social Security Fund. July 2009
Technical advisor of the National Directorate of Services and Medical Benefits. Social Security Fund. March 2009
National Commission of Medical Audit. Social Security Fund. August 2008
Specialized Medical Center - Surgeons at Punta Pacifica Hospital. Affiliated to John Hopkins International. Marzo 2006
Medical Consultant of Second Gynecology Opinion of the Capital Insurance Company. November 2001
Medical Examiner and Consultant of the Assa Insurance Company. October 2000
Assistant Medical Director and Marketing Manager of Specialized Medical Institute. September 2000
Medical Specialist of Reference of the Health Unit of the Embassy of the United States in Panamá. 2000-2006
Specialist Physician - Pediatric Hospital San Fernando. 1999-2000
Specialist Physician - National Oncological Institute. August 1999
Chief of Internal Doctors of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics - Metropolitan Hospital Complex Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid. 1996-1999

I speak these languages:


My publications

Presentación de póster en el congreso mundial de HPV . Lisboa, Portugal. Setiembre,2015
Confección de las Normas de funcionamiento de la Coordinación Nacional de Equipos e Insumos Médicos Quirúrgicos. Mayo, 2014
Publicación de las Guías para la toma de Papanicolaou en base liquida y Tipificación Molecular del Papilomavirus Humano. Octubre 2012
Publicación de las Guías de evaluación Preoperatorias. Junio 2010
Conferencia sobre Terapia de Reemplazo Hormonal y Osteoporosis en el Congreso Nacional de FOSEMO. Octubre, 2006
Conferencia sobre Cáncer de Mama para los empleados de La Caja de Ahorros, auspiciado por el Despacho de la Primera Dama. Septiembre 2005
Curso Lamaze para Pacientes Embarazadas de Aseguradora Mundial, Compañia de Seguros Assa y Panamerican Life. 2001-2004
Conferencia para Publico sobre Terapia de Reemplazo Hormonal, Climaterio y Osteoporosis dictadas en Grupo Chanel, Banco del Istmo, Banco General, Compañia de seguros Assa, Caja de Ahorros, Copa Air Lines y Autoridades del Canal de Panamá. 2002-2003
Expositor en el Seminario de La Fundación de Osteoporosis de Panamá. Tema: Osteoporosis y Terapia de Reemplazo Hormonal. Octubre 2001
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Gabriel Arosemena

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